Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day

Let's go fly a kite......
God blessed us with a beautiful kite-flying day!
It was so cute seeing all the kids flying their own kites.
We were amazed at how long it kept their attention!

Sprinker Fun! This was their idea of posing for a picture.
(Notice Garrett's shirt "Lock up your daughters!")

Looking for the candy tree.

The kids loved the Gators and spent most of the day getting rides.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Swing time

While I trimmed the bushes, thinned the rasberry bushes, weeded the flower beds and started to clean the shed - Dusty managed to hang a tire swing for the kids.
Greta loves it. It made me nauseous.

While Greta continued to swing, Atticus decided to chill out in my flower bed.

(Dusty did plant the garden.....consisting of watermelon and pumpkins!) We still need to plant the veggies!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

It's a beautiful day

We had a beautiful Saturday afternoon. We spent all day enjoying the weather and doing yardwork. Spring flowers do not last long here in "tornado alley" so this year I made sure to get some pictures.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Meeting Stanley

We had a little pre-Mother's Day gathering this evening at the Horners.
Danah (Dusty's sister) and Brad are home visiting with their new bundle of joy, Stanley Abraham. He's the calmest, cutest little guy. I miss those tiny little onesies. Check out their blog, "The Himes Times" to see more adorable photos of Stanley.
The pic below is Greta's first time holding Stanley. She informed me she loves him, but she would like a little sister.
The Horner Clan
Atticus, Greta, Ava, Evan, Elise and Stanley
and the 2 responsible for all of this: Don and Adah!

Friday, May 9, 2008

My new camera!

Doing Our Part for the Government

It's "economic stimulus" time (checks should be arriving any day)
and yes we decided we will help stimulate the economy!
Dusty's new Cessna-182. We sold his old one 6 years ago on his trip home to Illinois. It would not fit into the jam-packed Honda Accord. So he happily has one again and I am looking forward to seeing him not crash it.

Dusty's new kiln - a sweet deal for him to do some baking at home.

Once new camera. I am diving into the world of SLR's. It is truly an amazing camera. I am in love and cannot put it down! Watch out!