Friday, April 25, 2008

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo - How about You, You, You?

Well we are official members of the Brookfield Zoo! Wednesday morning we woke up and decided to head into Chicago. We planned on hitting the Shedd, however it was SUCH a beautiful day we thought it might be nice to be outside. The weather was perfect and we saw lots of animals. You can definitely not do the whole zoo in one day (with kids that is) - playing on the playgrounds and eating consume quite a lot of time. We missed a lot of things including the dolphin show, but are looking forward to using our passes a lot this year. The kids loved it and so did we!
Little Atticus is not quite as adventurous as his big sister.
He wanted to sit with Mommy instead of ride. He was so serious the entire time.
Greta loved the seal and the seal seemed to love her.
We just sat back and watched her excitement each time he passed by.

The monkeys, seals and otters were our favorites.

Greta was obsessed with the wolf for some reason. Must be a little of Uncle Derek rubbing off on her, "just call me wolf!"

Sorry Derek!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Spring is here.

Yesterday was our 1st trip outside. The first time for Atticus to explore the outdoors, that is on two feet! We played on the playground, took a wagon ride and tried to ride the gator (battery died.) Atticus is so proud of the gator and he hasn't even rode it yet, it will be awhile before his feet reach the pedal. He just likes to sit on it and pretend, it's so cute. Definite boy. Greta was going to give him a ride, but it ran out of juice. So it's being prepared now for our next nice day. It's pouring rain now, which means we won't be back outside for awhile due to the mud. It's terrible. Oh and we have water in our basement again, yippee. My treadmill is surrounded, which means I will have to delay my exercising for a little while longer - oh darn.